The old saying “April showers bring May flowers” can be true for most of us around the country, it does not accurately describe every day in April.  The first full month of Spring is a wonderful time to take advantage of these eight wonderful activities to do as we shake off our winter coats for spring jackets….and maybe an umbrella.

  1. Enjoy the dewy spring air. Go out for a stroll around the neighborhood and look at the blooming plants and trees, sharing memories of spring’s past.  This is also a great opportunity to choose some new plants for your own garden.
  2. Plant some new vegetables or flowers either in the ground or a planter. It would be so lovely to plant one of your favorite flowers and keep it inside your house in the area you spend the most time.
  3. Go to a local farmers market. Pick out some of your favorite vegetables and fruit to bring home and cook.  This is a great way to share your favorite recipes and eat healthy, a win-win!
  4. On really nice days, open all of your windows, open all your blinds and curtains and let the sun and fresh air soothe your soul.
  5. If possible, have someone drive you near the water (ocean, lake, river, etc.) and enjoy a snack or a warm drink.
  6. Start a puzzle that is full of spring images: flowers, insects, fish and birds to put you in that spring mood.
  7. Decorate for Spring. Pick some flowers, color some pictures, make an Easter egg wreath or switch to brighter colored linens and towels.
  8. If possible, invite some people over. Maybe have family over for brunch. My favorite brunch menu when I host is rolls, pastries, fresh fruit and scrambled eggs. Quick, easy, cost effective and always a hit.

Take advantage of this fabulous time of year and enjoy spending time with family, friends and caregivers.

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