Can you believe Thanksgiving has come and gone, and in less than a month it will be Christmas?  This year is flying by, and it is time to get ready for Christmas by decorating the house.

The most important part of decorating as a senior is to think about safety first.  Do you need help to get a tree, a fresh one or perhaps an artificial tree that is hidden away in the attic or basement?  If so, ask a family member or friend to help you get the tree and set it up.  Learn from this author’s mistake and tie the tree up to be safe and avoid a mess of broken ornaments from a fallen tree in the middle of the night.  While you have help, ask them to grab any other decorations you have stowed away and put them in the appropriate rooms.

Everyone’s ability to decorate is different, based on mobility and strength so it can be a great reason to schedule a hot cocoa and trim the house party for family and friends to come over and help you.  Put some Christmas music on and watch your house transform.

It is important for everyone, especially seniors, to be mindful of decorations that could prove dangerous.  Things like holiday throw rugs, lights, burning candles and those glass ornaments that if dropped shatter into hundreds or pieces.  It’s important to make sure walkways and hallways stay clear and that when you designate outlets for your decorations you do not unplug any of your normal lighting to keep the house bright.

The holidays are often the best time of the year so enjoy them safely all season long.

CBHomeCare and our Family of Providers are happy to assist you with assessing your family’s needs and helping to provide the care necessary to help keep your loved one at home where they want to be. Please feel free to call us at 800-700-0008, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions. You can also click here to read about our services.

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