Learning Center

  • 1 in 4 Senior Adults Fall Each Year

    Falling is one of the biggest fears that seniors who live at home face on a daily basis. Their concern is justified – falls pose a [...]

  • Benefits of Meal Prep for Seniors

    Meal prep, or the practice of cooking several day’s worth of meals ahead of schedule and storing them for later, has gained popularity over the last [...]

  • Dignity and Respect in Personal Care for the Elderly

    One of the biggest fears older adults face as they age is a loss of independence. Help from others can allow seniors to remain in their [...]

  • Loneliness and Isolation Have Huge Impacts on Health

    As seniors age, their social circles can shrink. Older adults may no longer feel comfortable venturing far from home to run errands and participate in events [...]

  • 4 Medical Reasons Why Home Care Nutrition Matters

    As seniors age, their dietary needs and preferences can change. A balanced diet filled with fresh, nutritious food can promote longevity and prevent illnesses, but many [...]

  • Self-Care for Caregivers

    The old saying is true: you can’t pour from an empty cup. For people who have taken on the responsibility of caring for an aging loved [...]

  • Tips and Support for Family Caregivers

    Caring for an aging loved one is rewarding and challenging all at once. Family members who share in caregiving duties face a learning curve for managing [...]

  • In-Home Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

    If you or your loved one are living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, you may feel as though in-patient care is your only option. For seniors who want to [...]

  • Backed by Science: Home Care Helps Seniors Live Longer, Happier Lives

    A recent study revealed what many families already know to be true: the majority of seniors prefer to remain in their homes, even after they begin [...]