It is hard to watch our parents get older and not be able to take care of themselves the way they once did.  It is even harder when it is clear they can no longer live alone, and you are all trying to figure out a new living situation.  There are many options out there, but a lot of families choose to move their parents into their home bringing a set of challenges.

There are a lot of things to consider before moving a parent into your home.  Here are some important questions to ask everyone before deciding:

  • Are my spouse and children on board?
  • Are there any outstanding issues between my family and my parent that could create additional stress?
  • Will my siblings help out? Are the expectations and plans all agreed upon with them?
  • Do I have the room and privacy for my parent and my family?
  • Can my house physically accommodate them? Do we need to make modifications?  Who will pay for that?
  • Can you afford the added cost of another person? Will your parent contribute? Siblings?

There are other issues to consider as well.  As your parent continues to age and their needs become greater, have you talked with them about what will happen then?  Will other family members be able to step up and help as their physical needs increase? Are they open to having a home health aide come in to help them?

When moving elderly parents into your home, honesty and preparation are key. Give yourself and your family ample time to prepare your home, move excess items to a storage unit, and make financial plans. Develop a plan that works for both your family and your parent and remember to breathe.  It is a big change for everyone, be prepared, be flexible and enjoy each other.

CBHomeCare and our Family of Providers are happy to assist you with assessing your family’s needs and helping to provide the care necessary to help keep your loved one at home where they want to be. Please feel free to call us at 800-700-0008, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions. You can also click here to read about our services.

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