Is you mom having trouble getting showered and dressed in the mornings?  Does your dad struggle making himself food?  Is your loved one struggling to keep their house and laundry clean?  The time has come, the moment your family realizes that your loved one needs an in-home caregiver in order to safely stay in their home, where they want to be until their last breath.  For many, admitting that the family is unable to care for their loved one without help is a hard pill to swallow.  The process can be overwhelming, like walking into the unknown abyss.  There are so many questions to ask, much needed information to gather.  Here are five questions to ask home health care agencies.

  1. What certifications does your agency hold?
  2. What sets your agency apart from the other ones on my list?
  3. What do you look for in the aides you hire?
  4. What services will your caregiver provide?
  5. My family member has (dementia, Alzheimer’s, inability to speak, confined to a wheelchair etc.). Can you provide an aide who has experience with this specific condition?
  6. Can services be provided at these days/times?
  7. Do you take my loved ones Medicaid/private insurance? If not, can we pay out of pocket?  Cost?
  8. How soon could you fill the position?
  9. Do they speak (insert language spoken)?
  10. Can we interview the prospective caregiver?
  11. Will we have a contact name and number of a contact person at your agency in case we have questions or concerns?

We welcome all questions and will take our time answering them and making you comfortable in choosing us, because our hearts are in what we do. To learn more about the services we can offer, please visit CB HomeCare or call us at 800-700-0008.



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